Tuesday, December 11, 2007

El Ultimo

Originally I meant for this blog to be something I did every few days and told all the cool stories and kept anybody interested generally informed. Now I see that this is exactly post number twelve which would make it a relatively weekly thing. Not quite as good as I had in mind, but better than it could have been.
I guess this time of year is hectic no matter where you are. And, while Spain is definitely laid back, being here is no exception. I gave a presentation this morning and I've got my final exam tomorrow. The fact that I'm writing this should give some indication as to how keen I am on studying. My presentation was over Disneyland and it went very nicely (if I do say so myself). I even busted out my harmonica to play the small world song and give everybody a taste of how horrid it is.
Last week we all got to be a part of something pretty sweet. We all went to a convent and sang Villancicos (Christmas carols) to all the little kids. They seemed to really enjoy it--especially when we gave them each a Christmas present afterward. One little girl got a tea set but abandoned it for her former favorite toy--a plastic sword. I spent the latter half of the evening pretending to die numerous times, and when I was tired of that I held her upside down by her ankles and was rewarded by a good solid bite on the kneecap. We sang for an old-people's home yesterday and they responded much better. I wasn't bit once.
It finally feels like this semester's running out of gas. I don't feel like doing anything anymore--during siesta I sit and play minesweeper on my computer until I can go back to school and do things like this. Back in the day I would have practiced some Spanish or gone to a cafe, but I just find myself thinking of the things I'm going to do at home. Still, it's getting harder and harder to see the people around me out here and know that I've got less than a week before the chances of seeing each other become much slimmer.
Anyway, I had better get to studying finally. If you're actually reading this blog still at this point I suppose I'll see you soon. So thanks for keeping up with me and Feliz Navidad!


Sarah said...

I still read your blog, but I won't be seeing you soon...unless you call graduation soon.

You honestly gave a presentation on Disneyland and played "it's a small world?" I can't help but laugh.

Hope these last few days go well...you'll probably get back home and wish you were back in Spain.
-Sarah V.S.

Ellen said...

David! (that was pronounced in Spanish) How is being home?

Rebecca said...

hmmm... are you going to post again ever? maybe change the name and post about life after Dordt?